Every Student by Name and Need

  • Vision:  Every student by name and need

    Mission: foster student growth through engaging, meaningful instruction that meets the needs of all learners, respects students from diverse cultures, and promotes family and community connections


  • September is childhood cancer awareness month. AES will observe this month with "Put Childhood Cancer in Chains" September 23-27. Students will purchase a paper link for $1. The class with the most links by September 27 wins.

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  • School Bus Reminders: 

    Parents and guardians, it is useful to review basic rules for cooperation and safe travel on the school bus. We ask that you review these rules with your children at the start of the school year, and periodically thereafter. We want to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all passengers.

    1.Stay in your seat

    2.Keep yourself and your things inside the window

    3.Listen and obey your bus driver

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  • Alabama Literacy Act

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