Jefcoed Banner
  • Welcome to our Arts Education Resource Hub, where creativity takes center stage and the impact of the arts in Alabama is illuminated. Dive into the resources, engaging videos, and compelling statistics that underscore the profound significance of investing in arts education.

Mariachi Program

  • Jefferson County takes pride in offering the only Mariachi program of its kind in the state, showcasing the unique fusion of melody and cultural richness. Check out their performance in the video below! 

Art Bus

  • Not all schools have access to visual arts instruction, and that's where our innovative mobile art lab comes in. Our curriculum is exclusively designed for the bus, encompassing all major art forms in a fully immersive program.

Arts Academies

  • Art - Music Technology

  • Art - Professional Design

  • Art - Special Effects

Check Out our Arts Integration Programs

  • Minor Community School

  • Bryant Park Elementary

Jefcoed Funding Details

  • Overview of how the 6.7 million ESSER III funds are allocated:

    • Kilns for all schools
    • Throwing wheels for all schools
    • Band instruments
    • Elementary instruments
    • String instruments to develop a youth orchestra

    We have seen a 360% increase in our budget over the last ten years.

Why We Support The Arts in Alabama

  • Arts and cultural production account for $5,435,698,000 and 2.1% of the Alabama economy, contributing 43,981 jobs. Reported by the US Bureau of Economic Analysis (2021)


    • $4.8 BILLION Arts & Culture Sector
    • $1.7 BILLION Mining
    • $1.4 BILLION Agriculture & Forestry

    In FY21-22, the state allocated $7,048,047 to the Alabama State Council on the Arts. It also received $835,025 in federal NEA funds and $457,900 in CARES Act and ARPA funding, with an additional $60,000 from South Arts. A total of 247 organizations and 13,646 artists benefitted from these funding sources. Another 20 nonprofit arts organizations received direct grants from the NEA totaling $1,240,000.

Current NEA Funding for Arts in Alabama

  • Alabama Folklife Association, Inc.

  • Alabama State Council on the Arts

  • Alabama State University (aka ASU)

  • Arts Council, Inc.

  • Birmingham Children's Theatre, Inc. (aka BCT)

  • Mobile Symphony, Inc. (aka Mobile Symphony)

  • University of Alabama

  • Source

Arts Education Team Credentials