Items Required for Residence Verification in 91HUB

  • Single Party Residence

    • Current Lease or Deed
    • 2 Current Utility Bills (Power, Water or Gas)
    • Parent/Guardian Picture ID
    • Birth Certificate
    • Current Alabama Immunization Form

    2nd Party Residency
    Any person unable to produce residence documentation, as listed above, may prove residence as instructed below.

    • Provide the local school with the documents below.
    • The local school administrator will provide you with the information needed to complete your 2nd party residence requirements.

    Property Owner:

    • Copy of Lease or Deed - If the property is leased, the parent of the student is required to be added to the lease
    • 2 Current Utility Bills (Power, Water or Gas)

    Parent of Student:

    • 2 Proofs of Residence (Acceptable items include: Car Insurance, Bank Statement, Medical Bills, Current Pay Stub, Car Tag Receipt, Proof of Medicaid or Health Insurance)